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Personnel Histories and Profiles - 576 Squadron.

Click on the links shown below and you will find histories and profiles and men who flew with 576 Squadron. These are listed in alphabetical order by surname of the main subject.

Items that have been written by contributors have been credited on each relevant page. Items which have been written or compiled by me are shown as such with those who have provided additional info if applicable. In respect of these items I have used many different sources. Far too many to name individually. However all the sources I use are shown on the Sources and Books page. Most of the photos are credited to the appropriate source. However there are some which I have had for a very long time and now have no record from whence they originated. There will be more of those in due course


George A Abercrombie RAFVR and crew – 576 Squadron - 1945

John W Acheson DFC RCAF and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944/45

Reuben Ainsztein RAFVR - Clarence Pegg’s crew - 576 Sqn - 1944/45

James W Alcorn RAAF and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944

Albert Amos RAF- 166 and 576 Sqns - 1944/45

G/C Terence J Arbuthnot RAF - RAF Fiskerton - 1944/45

J Archibald RNZAF and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944

Arthur J Aldridge RAFVR and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944

Lawrence Arthur DFC RAFVR and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944/45

Mervyn R Attwater DSO DFC RAF and crew- 103 Sqn/576 Sqn/156 Sqn - 1943/44


Gordon Bain RCAF and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944

R C Bailey RAFVR and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944

Frank Ball RAFVR and crew - 576 Sqn - 1943

Frank S Barnsdale RAFVR and crew- 576 Sqn - 1944

Thomas John Bassett DFC RAAF  and crew - 103 Sqn / 576 Sqn - 1943

Richard S Bastick RAFVR and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944/45

Douglas F J Baxter RCAF and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944

Jim B Bell DFC RAFVR and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944

Edward Bennett RAFVR and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944

Herbert Benson DFC RAFVR and crew - 576 Sqn/156 Sqn - 1944/45

Reginald Bibby RAFVR and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944

Albert Charles Blackie DFC RAFVR and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944

Alan J Bodger DFC RAFVR and crew - 576 Sqn - 1943/44

Raymond A Boggiano DFC RAFVR and crew - 576 Sqn / 156 Sqn - 1944/45

John M Booth RAAF and crew - 576 Sqn - 1943

Stanley T Boullier RAFVR and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944/45

Harold F R Bradbury RAFVR and crew – 576 Sqn – 1945

Peter U Brooke RAFVR and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944

James E Brown DFC RAFVR and crew - 576 Sqn/ 582 Sqn - 1944

Ronald W Brown RAAF and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944

W S Button DFC RAFVR and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944/45


R J Callington RAFVR and crew – 576 Sqn / 150 Sqn – 1944/45

Grey Alexander Campbell DFC RCAF and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944/45

Ian Rowland Carter RAAF and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944/45

Ernie Cartwright DFC RAFVR and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944

Edward Childs RAFVR and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944

AM Sir Gareth Thomas Butler Clayton KCB, DFC and bar - 576 Sqn - 1943/44

George C Clewley RCAF and crew - 576 Sqn / 166 Sqn - 1944

ACM Sir Ralph Alexander Cochrane, GBE, KCB, AFC - OC No 5 Group - 1943/45

Eugene P “ Jimmy” Collins RAFVR - Bill Woodruff’s crew -  576 Sqn - 1945

Frank A Collins DFC RCAF and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944/45

Leslie J Collis RAFVR and crew  - 576 Sqn - 1944

John Conway RAFVR - 576 Sqn - 1944

David C Crofts RAAF and crew - 576 Sqn - 1945

Raymond M Crowther DFC RCAF and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944/45


Charles T Dalziel DFC RAFVR and crew – 576 Sqn – 1944/45

George Davison DFC RAFVR and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944

Thomas C Dawson RAFVR and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944

Alfred H De-Mille DFC RCAF and crew – 576 Sqn – 1944/45

Horace Drew RAFVR and crew – 576 Sqn - 1945

John F Dilworth DFC RAFVR - 576 Sqn - 1943

Frank E Dotten RCAF and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944/45

Alan H Dutton RAFVR and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944/45

Joseph Pearson Duns RCAF - C A B Johnson’s crew and George Davison’s crew 576 Sqn and Bill Way’s crew 103 Sqn - 576 Sqn and 103 Sqn - 1944

Stanley F Durrant RAFVR and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944.


Edwin W J Ebsworth RAFVR and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944

Bob J Edie DFC RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn / 576 Sqn - 1943/44


Derrick Fletcher RAFVR and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944

Joe Ford RAAF - Max Shearer’s crew - 576 Sqn - 1944

K F Forster RAFVR and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944

Kenneth Fry DFC RAFVR and crew - 576 Sqn - 1945


Donald A Garner DSO RAFO - 576 Sqn / 166 Sqn - 1944

Frederick B Gipson DFC RAFVR and crew - 576 Sqn / 582 Sqn - 1944

George Graham - 103 Squadron and 576 Squadron

M J Graham RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn / 576 Sqn - 1943

Arthur F Green DFC AFC RCAF and crew - 576 Sqn / 582 Sqn - 1944/45

A D L Greig DFC RAFVR and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944

Jimmy C Griffiths DFC RAFVR and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944

Harold B Guilfoyle DFC RCAF and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944


Peter P Hague DFC RAFVR - 576 Sqn/ 103 Sqn / 582 Sqn - 1944/45

Douglas D Haig DSO DFC RAF - 144 Sqn / 576 Sqn / 625 Sqn - 1943/44

K Halnan RCAF and crew - 576 Sqn - 1945

George H Hardman DFC RAAF and crew - 576 Sqn -1944/45

D R Harkin RAFVR and crew - 576 Sqn / 300 Sqn - 1944

Claude “Joe” Hart RAFVR and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944

Eric G Hart RAFVR and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944

Gerald Haywood RCAF and crew - 576 Sqn - 1945

John Henningham RAAF and crew - 576 Sqn - 1943/44

William H Hepburn RAFVR and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944

Owen R Herbert DFC RAFVR and crew - 576 Sqn – 1944/ 45

Farnham Hill OBE DFC RAFVR - 576 Sqn - 1944

Hugh L Hing DFC RAFVR - 576 Sqn - 1944

F/S D U Hogg RAFVR and crew - 576 Sqn - 1945

F/O W U Holmes RCAF and crew – 576 Sqn - 1944/45

Stephen G Hordal DFC RCAF and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944

Richard L Hughes RAFVR - 103 Sqn / 576 Sqn - 1943


William Ronald Ireland DFC RAFVR and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944

ACM Sir Ronald Ivelaw-Chapman GCB KBE DFC AFC RAF - 13 Base


Cyril A B Johnson RAFVR and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944

Ronald E Johnstone RCAF - Edward Child’s crew - 576 Sqn - 1944


Andrew J Kirk RAFVR and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944


George A Langford RAFVR and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944

Roy R Leeder DFC RAFVR and crew - 576 Sqn - 1943

Neville Layden DFC RAFVR and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944

Howard Leyton-Brown DFC RAFVR and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944/45

Jack A Linklater RCAF and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944

Ray Linklater RCAF and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944

Charles H Living RCAF and crew - 576 Sqn -1944/45


J MacDonald DFC RAFVR and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944

Donald George Mann RAFVR and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944

Edward J Mann DFC RCAF and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944

 Bertie J Marks RAFVR - John Richard’s crew- 576 Sqn - 1943

H R Marsden RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn / 576 Sqn - 1944

David J Masters DFC RAFVR and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944/45

Kenneth R Marston RAFVR - Charles Rouse’s crew - 576 Sqn - Private Ronald Marston - South Staffs Rgt - 44/45

Leslie R B Matthews RAFVR and crew - 576 Sqn - 1943

Ronald S McAra RAFVR and crew - 576 Sqn - 1943

Harold R McCelland DFC RAAF and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944/45

Donald W McIvor DFC RCAF and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944

Kenneth F Mills DFC RAAF and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944/45

Kenneth A Moore DFC RAFVR and crew-  576 Sqn - 1944/45

Edward Henry John Morgan RAFVR - George E Stockdale’s crew - 576 Sqn - 1944

Gomer S Morgan DFC RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn / 576 Sqn - 1943/44

The Last Flight of F/L T W G Morren’s crew - 576 Sqn - 1944

Victor Moss DFC RAFVR and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944

J J Mulrooney RAFVR and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944

Harold D Murray RAFVR and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944

Ken Murray DFC RAFVR and crew - 576 Sqn - 1943/44



Eric S Oliver DFM RAFVR - 576 Sqn - 1945

Bernard H O'Neill DFC RCAF and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944/45


George H Paley RAFVR and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944/45

Jack Parkinson RAFVR and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944

Clarence Pegg DFC RAAF and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944/45

Clarence F Phripp DFC RCAF and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944/45

Edwin Keith Pollard DFC RAAF and crew - 576 Sqn -  1944 / 45

Ernest J Presland DFC RAFVR and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944

Alec Puttock RAFVR and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944


William A  Rainey DFC RAFVR and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944

Randall and crew - 576 Sqn / 150 Sqn – 1944/45

Richard R Reed DSO RAFVR and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944

Cecil A Rhude DFC RCAF and crew – 576 Sqn / 550 Sqn - 1944/45

John Henry Richards DFC RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn / 576 Sqn - 1943

Alan John Leslie Ridge DFC RAFVR and crew - 576 Sqn – 1944/45

Cyril C Rollins DFC RAFVR and crew – 103 Sqn / 576 Sqn - 1943/44.

Charles Rouse RCAF and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944/45

H J Rowe RCAF and crew – 576 Sqn – 1944/45

John F Ryan RAAF and crew - 576 Sqn - 1945

John J B Ryder DFC AFC RAFVR and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944


Robert Sarvis USAAF and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944

Eddie Saslove RCAF and crew - 100 Sqn / 576 Sqn  - 1944/45

P F Sattler RAAF and crew - 576 Sqn - 1945

Charles Sawyer DFC USAAF and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944

F/S R C Sayers RAFVR and crew - 576 Sqn - 1945

Fred R Scott RAAF and crew - 576 Sqn - Ulceby Lancaster Collision - 1943

I L Scott RAFVR and crew - 576 Sqn - 1945

William A Scheerboom DFC  RAFVR and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944

Boyd D Sellick CBE DSO DFC and bar - 576 Sqn - 1944

Max Shearer RNZAF and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944

AVM Walter Charles Sheen CB DSO OBE RAF - RAF Elsham Wold

Stuart B Simpson RAFVR and crew – 576 Sqn - 1945

Stan Slater DSO OBE DFC RAFVR - 576 Sqn - 1944

Peter Sleight DFC RAFVR and crew - 576 Sqn / 101 Sqn - 1945

Donald C Smith DFC RAAF and crew – 576 Sqn – 1944/45

Edwin Donald Smith RAFVR and crew - 576 Sqn - 1943/44

Howard A F Smith RAFVR and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944

Richard C Sowerbutts RAFVR and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944/45

Edward H Stansel RCAF and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944

John R Stedman DFC RAFVR and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944

William A Stewart DFC RAFVR  and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944

George E Stockdale RCAF and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944

William Strachan RAFVR and crew - 576 Sqn - 1945


Kenneth W Taylor DFM RAFVR - 103 Sqn / 576 Sqn - 1943/44

Basil A Templeman-Rooke DSO DFC and bar AFC RAFVR and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944/45

C Don Thieme AFC RAFVR and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944/45

Hugh M C Thomas DFC RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn / 576 Sqn - 1943/44

Peter A Thomas DFC RAFVR and crew - 576 Sqn / 582 Sqn - 1944

Sutherland D Thompson DFC RAAF and crew - 576 Sqn / 550 Sqn - 1944/45

Derrick G C Thorpe RAFVR and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944

Derek Till DFC RAFVR and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944/45

Victor P Tomlin DFC RAFVR  and crew -576 Sqn - 1944

Kenneth L Trent DFC and bar RAFVR and crew - 576Sqn / 625 Sqn / 617 Sqn - 1944/45


Peter E Underwood RAFVR and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944



Frederick H Watts RCAF and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944

Charles Wearmouth DFC RAFVR and crew – 576 Sqn and 1 Gp Special Duties Flight – 1944

Roy Whalley DFC RAFVR and crew - 576 Sqn - 1943/44

Maurice T Wilson DFC RAFVR and crew - 576 Sqn / 156 Sqn - 1944/45

Bill Williams RAFVR and Gordon Bain’s crew - 576 Sqn - 1944

 Graham A J Wood DFC AFC RAFVR and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944

 W Woodruff RCAF and crew -  576 Sqn - 1945

R F Wordsell RAFVR and crew - 576 Sqn - 1945



Albert H Young DFC RAFVR and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944

Roland R J Young RAFVR and crew - 576 Sqn - 1944/45



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RAF Elsham Wolds

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Dresden - 13/14th February 1945

Additions to this site

* 1st February 2025 - One new Profile plus various additions and updates throughout the site

* 1st January 2025 - One new Profile and one new Feature Page plus various additions and updates throughout the site

* 1st December 2024 - Two new Profiles plus various additions and updates throughout the site

* 1st November 2024 - One new Profile and one new Feature Page plus various additions and updates throughout the site

*1st October 2024 - One new Profile, one new Article  plus various updates and additions throughout the site

*1st September 2024 - Two new Profiles, one new Feature Page  plus various updates and additions throughout the site

* 1st August 2024 - Three new Profiles, one new Feature Page  plus various updates and additions throughout the site

* 1st July 2024 - Two new Profiles, one new Feature Page  plus various updates and additions throughout the site

* 1st June 2024 - Two new Profiles, two new Articles  plus various updates and additions throughout the site

*1st May 2024 - Two new Profile  plus various updates and additions throughout the site

*1st April 2024 - One new Profile  plus various updates and additions throughout the site

* 1st  March 2024 - One new Profile, one new Photo Page  plus various updates and additions throughout the site


Also local RAF Bomber Command interest are the

166 Squadron website

and the

550 Squadron and North Killingholme website.