576 Squadron War Diary
I have constructed this item from the Monthly Summaries from the 576 Squadron Operational Record Book and also referred Bomber Command War Diaries by Middlebrook and Everitt for very brief summaries of the results of each attack which helps give the general narrative more focus. Where appropriate I have also added comments and insights of my own
In view of the length of the item this has been produced in the Flipbook format.
It is not meant to be a detailed account as I have neither the time nor the inclination to produce anything of that nature. However I think it provides some insight and understanding into what was happening 576 during this period.
I have separated this work into 2 volumes. Volume 1 starts when 576 Squadron was formed in late November 1943 and finishes when they leave RAF Elsham Wolds at the end of October 1944.
Volume 2 continues through the RAF Fiskerton era to the end of the war.
The each Diary is split into phases as the priorities of Bomber Command and include very brief descriptions of each.
Volume 1 has 4 Phases
Phase 1 – Second Half of the Battle of Berlin. 1st December 1943 to 31st March 1944.
Phase 2 – A Change of Direction. 1st April 44 to 5th June 1944.
Phase 3 – D Day and Beyond. 6th June 1944 to 30th August 1944.
Phase 4 – Back to Germany. 30th August 1944 to 31st October 1944.
Volume 2 has only 1 Phase.
Phase 1 - Back to Germany and the Conclusion. 1st November 1944 to VE Day
My own comments and additions are shown in purple font.
As an aid to the reader I have produced a short glossary and list of abbreviations which I have used in this Diary and also throughout these 3 websites I usually try to keep abbreviations, acronyms and jargon to a minimum on my websites but in respect of this item in particular I think it will be helpful to include a list. This is included as a separate page in the Resources Section of this website so it will be easier for me to update as and when required.
David Fell - 25th February 2019
To access 576 Sqn War Diaries Volume 1 - RAF Elsham Wolds Era click the link or the book cover below

To access 576 Sqn War Diaries Volume 2 - RAF Fiskerton Era click the link or the book cover below

