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[Home] [Profiles - 576 Squadron.] [Eddie Saslove 576 Sqn]

F/O Edward L Saslove RCAF and crew - 576 Sqn - RAF Fiskerton - 1944/45

 Failed to Return - 7/8 January 1945 - Avro Lancaster III - PA173 - Op Munich

576 Squadron - Saslove

Eddie Saslove was born in Ottawa, Canada on the 17th June 1921. The family moved to  Detroit, Michigan, USA. when Eddie was 4 years old. In the early forties he decided to join the air force but, as he was a Canadian citizen, he was not eligible to join the USAF. He volunteered for the RCAF and was accepted in April 1942.

F/O Saslove and his crew were posted to 100 Sqn in Sept 1944 and shortly after were transferred to 576 Sqn.

His crew consisted of :-

F/O E L Saslove RCAF

Sgt R Hoyle RAFVR

F/O G Davies RAFVR

F/O M Chislick RCAF

Sgt R Hood RCAF

Sgt A S B Campton RCAF

Sgt G W McClelland RCAF

576 Squadron - Saslove crew

Above - Eddie Saslove 2nd left with 4 of his crew

Their operational tour was as follows :-

100 Squadron

14th Oct 1944. Target - Duisberg.

25th Oct 1944. Target - Essen.

576 Squadron

All these operations were flown from Fiskerton and the crew was as shown above unless specifically mentioned.

18th Nov 1944 Target - Wanne Eikel. Aircraft LM227. Up 1605 Down 2200.

21st Nov 1944 Target - Aschaffenburg. Aircraft PD271.Up 1555 Down 2210.

27th Nov 1944 Target - Freiberg. Aircraft NG273. Up 1625 Down 2255.

29th Nov 1944 Target - Dortmund. Aircraft ME717. Up 1225 Down 1725. Damaged by flak.

12th Dec 1944 Target - Essen. Aircraft PD312. Up 1620 Down 2155. Sgt Oliver replaced Sgt Campton.

14th Dec 1944 Target - Ludwigshafen. Aircraft PD232. Up 1452 Down 2110.

22nd Dec 1944 Target - Koblenz. Aircraft PD271. Up 1525 Down 2210. Landed at Carnaby.

28th Dec 1944 Target - Bonn. Aircraft PD271. Up 1540 Down 2110.

2nd Jan 1945 Target - Nuremberg. Aircraft ME671.

7th Jan 1945 Target - Munich. Aircraft PA173. Up 1815. Failed to return.

Shortly after dropping their bombs on Munich the Lancaster was attacked and badly shot about by a night fighter. Both gunners, Sgts Campton and McClelland, were badly wounded in the attack and trapped in their turrets. The Lancaster was badly damaged and on fire and F/O Saslove ordered the 4 other members of the crew to bale out. Without a thought for his own safety he courageously chose to stay at the controls of his crippled aircraft in a valiant attempt make a crash landing rather than leave his 2 gunners to a certain death in the doomed bomber. As the last man left the Lancaster he looked up at his pilot and saw F/O Saslove wave goodbye still in the pilot’s seat keeping the aircraft straight and level.

 The Lancaster crashed and exploded in flames in a farmers field near Munich. The gallant Eddie Saslove died in the crash along with the 2 gunners he had selflessly given his life in an attempt to save. Had he chosen to do so he could have almost certainly saved himself by baling out with the other surviving members of the crew. All 3 are commemorated on the Runnymede Memorial to the missing.

576 Squadron Saslove

F/O Edward Lewis Saslove RCAF ( pictured above ) – Pilot – 22 – 576 Sqn - Son of Adolph and Sarah Saslove, of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada – Runnymede Memorial

Sgt R Hoyle RAFVR – Flight Engineer – 576 Sqn - POW -  Camp L1 – POW No N/K

F/O G Davies RAFVR – Air Bomber – 576 Sqn - POW - Camp 13D – POW No N/K

F/O M Chislick RCAF – Navigator – 576 Sqn - POW -  – Camp L1 – POW No N/K

Sgt R Hood RCAF – Wireless Operator – 576 Sqn - POW - Camp L1 – POW No N/K

Sgt Albert Spencer Blair Campton RCAF ( pictured below ) – Air Gunner – 29 – 576 Sqn - Son of James and Ruth A. Campton, of Ville St. Michel, Province of Quebec, Canada -  Runnymede Memorial

Sgt Wilfred Glen McClelland RCAF ( pictured below ) – Air Gunner - 21 – 576 Sqn - Son of Percy Andrew and Carrie Louise McClelland, of Killarney, Manitoba, Canada - Runnymede Memorial

576 Squadron Campton

Sgt Albert Spencer Blair Campton RCAF

576 Squadron McClelland

Sgt Wilfred Glen McClelland RCAF

The 4 men who baled out all survived and were all made prisoner of war. When liberated they were able to tell their story and report the sacrifice of their pilot to the authorities and to the Saslove family. F/O Saslove received no recognition for his act of bravery in spite of the efforts of his brother Martin over a period of 40 years. Both the British and Canadian governments ceased awarding medals for gallantry in World War 2 in 1950.

It is very unfortunate that the heroism of Eddie Saslove was never recognised but this case must be typical of many similar cases, recorded and unknown, involving aircrew who gave their lives in attempting to save their comrades during World War 2.

Item compiled by David Fell. I am grateful to Martin Saslove for much of the information and the top 2 photos used in this item. The other photos are couresy of the Canadian Virtual War Memorial.


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Also local RAF Bomber Command interest are the

166 Squadron website

and the

550 Squadron and North Killingholme website.