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[Home] [Profiles - 576 Squadron.] [Derrick G C Thorpe and crew 576 Sqn]

F/S Derrick G C Thorpe RAFVR and crew - 576 Sqn - RAF Elsham Wolds - 1944

Failed to Return - 24/25 May 1944 - Lancaster III - NE171 - Op Aachen

Derrick Thorpe must have been posted to 576 Squadron at RAF Elsham Wolds in late February or early March 1944. This will probably have been from 11 Base. Thorpe flew 2 second pilot ops in the crew of P/O H M C Thomas. The first was to Stuttgart on the 15 March 1944. This was an early return due to an unserviceable engine.

He flew a second with P/O H M C Thomas to Frankfurt on the 18th March 1944 which was completed satisfactorily.

Thorpe took his own crew on their first operation to Nuremberg on the night of the 30/31 March 1944. This was an exrtemely tough baptism but they survived that and were detailed for 145 operations before being lost on their 15th. On 2 occasions they did not take off and 2 more were early returns due to technical issues.

Thieir tour was as follows :-

30/03/1944 - Nuremberg - DV365 - F/S DGC Thorpe

09/04/1944 - Villeneuve-St-George - Railway yards - DV365 - F/S DGC Thorpe

10/04/1944 - Aulnoye - Railway yards - DV365 - F/S DGC Thorpe - DNTO - Swung on take off. Cancelled

18/04/1944 - Rouen - Railway yards - LL796 - F/S DGC Thorpe - ER - Rear gunners electrical heating US

20/04/1944 - Cologne - LL796 - F/S DGC Thorpe

22/04/1944 - Dusseldorf - LM439 - F/S DGC Thorpe - DNTO - Cancelled

24/04/1944 - Karlsruhe - LL800 - F/S DGC Thorpe

26/04/1944 - Essen - LL800 - F/S DGC Thorpe

27/04/1944 - Friedrichshafen - LL800 - F/S DGC Thorpe - ER - Engine U/S.

09/05/1944 - Mardyck - Coastal gun batteries - LL799 - F/S DGC Thorpe

11/05/1944 - Hasselt - Railway yards - LL796 - F/S DGC Thorpe

19/05/1944 - Orleans - Railway yards - ME792 - F/S DGC Thorpe

21/05/1944 - Duisburg - ME792 - F/S DGC Thorpe

22/05/1944 - Dortmund - NE171 - F/S DGC Thorpe

24/05/1944 - Aachen - Railway yards - NE171 - F/S DGC Thorpe - FTR - Night fighter victim. Crashed at Berescheid, Germany.


576 Squadron Thorpe crew

Back  L to R - White, Smith, Thorpe, Mundy. Front - L to R Tremblay, Labelle, Green

All 7 of the crew were killed. Thorpe, White, Mundy, Tremblay and Smith are missing and commemorated on the Runnymede Memorial. Labelle and Green rest in the Rheinberg War Cemetery, Germany.

F/S Derrick Gordon Cobley Thorpe RAFVR - Pilot - 22 - 576 Sqn - Son of James Sidney Thorpe and Laura Susannah Thorpe of Peterborough, Northamptonshire - Runnymede Memorial

Sgt David White RAFVR - Flight Engineer - 23 - 576 Sqn - Son of William White, and of Agnes White of Blyth, Northumberland - Runnymede Memorial

Sgt Hector MacDonald Mundy RAFVR - 23 - 576 Sqn - Son of Benjamin and Jane Mundy; husband of Freda Jessie Mundy of Bierton with Broughton, Buckinghamshire - Runnymede Memorial

W/O Alfred Arthur Joseph Tremblay RCAF ( pictured below ) - 21 - 576 Sqn - Son of Joseph Onezime Tremblay and Jeanne Marie Tremblay, of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada - Runnymede Memorial

Sgt Robert Eric Smith RAFVR - 20 - 576 Sqn - Son of Robert and Phoebe Smith - Runnymede Memorial.

Sgt Joseph Willie Conrad Labelle RCAF - Air Gunner - 23 - Son of Napoleon and Yvonne Labell  of Montreal, Province of Quebec, Canada - Rheinberg War Cemetery, Germany

Sgt Noel William Green RAFVR - Air Gunner - 30 - 576 Sqn - Son of William and Beatrice Anne Green; husband of Georgina Green of Benwell, Newcastle-on-Tyne - Rheinberg War Cemetery, Germany

576 Squadron Tremblay

576 Squadron Tremblay Presentation

W/O Alfred Arthur Joseph Tremblay RCAF


24 May 44 - Aachen -  Germany - Railway Yards - Night 15 aircraft detailed. Weather en route was 7/10ths at base clearing to nil over the coast and the North Sea. Hazy to the target. Clear on return to English coast then 7/10ths. Target clear but hazy.

Moderate heavy flak with 5 search lights active. TIs dropped on zero hour were well concentrated.

Crews reported good bombing on these but could not observe results due to haze and occasional this patches of cloud. Fighters active in target area.

F/S Thorpe and crew and P/O Langford and crew failed to return.

All the other crews returned to base.

( 442 aircraft. An accurate attack which hit both railway yards and in particular the east yard. Much bombing also fell in the city itself and surrounding villages )


Lancaster NE171.

This machine was lost on its 3rd operation

21/05/1944 - Duisburg - NE171 - F/O GE Stockdale RCAF

22/05/1944 - Dortmund - NE171 - F/S DGC Thorpe

24/05/1944 - Aachen - Railway yards - NE171 - F/S DGC Thorpe - FTR - Night fighter victim. Crashed at Berescheid, Germany.

Compiled and written by David Fell. Many thanks for the photo to Susan Carlisle together with other input.


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Also local RAF Bomber Command interest are the

166 Squadron website

and the

550 Squadron and North Killingholme website.