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Personnel Histories and Profiles - 103 Squadron - A to M by Surname.

Click on the links shown below and you will find histories and profiles and men who flew with 103 Sqn. These are listed in alphabetical order by surname of the main subject.

Items that have been written by contributors have been credited on each relevant page. Items which have been written or compiled by me are shown as such with those who have provided additional info. In respect of these items I have used many different reference sources. Far too many to name individually. However all the sources I use are shown on the Sources and Books page. Most of the photos are credited to the appropriate source. However there are some which I have had for a very long time and now have no record from whence they originated. There will be more of those in due course


Peter J Abbott RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1944 - Added 3rd September 2019

John C Addy DFM RAFVR - 103 Sqn - 1941 - Added 27th April 2021

Donald Allwood DFC RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1944 - Added 1st February 2022

William W Anderson DFC RAAF and crew - 103 Sqn - 1945 - 1st April 2024

Edgar J Andrews RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1943 - Added 10th January 2018

Clifford W Annis RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1943 - Added 24th July 2019

Charles E Ansley DFC RNZAF and crew - 103 Sqn - 1944 - Added 1st August 2024

Henry R Anthony RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1944 - Added 4th September 2019

E W Armour RCAF and crew - 103 Sqn - 1945 - Added 5th October 2019

John W Armstrong RNZAF and crew - 103 Sqn - 1944 - Added 19th August 2019

Robert Armstrong RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1944 - Added 6th September 2019

Norman H Armstrong RCAF and crew - 103 Sqn - 1945 - Added 1st June 2024

John R St G Arrowsmith RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1942 - Added 11th January 2018

Thomas E Astbury RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1944 - Added 22nd August 2019

Mervyn R Attwater DSO DFC RAF and crew - 103 Sqn / 576 Sqn / 156 Sqn - 1943/44 - Added 17th January 2019

Bertram E Atwood RCAF and crew - 12 Sqn - 1943 - Added 3rd July 2019

John P Austin RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn -1944 - Added 11th September 2019

William Frank  Austin DFM RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1942/43 - Added 12th March 2017

Joseph L Avon RCAF and crew - 103 Sqn - 1944 - Added 8th September 2019

Reginald Norman Ayles DFC DFM RAFVR – 103 Sqn - 1940/41 - Added 1st August 2017.


William E Baker DFC RCAF and crew - 103 Sqn - 1944/45 -Added 6th November 2019

John R Barnes RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1944/45 - Added 17th September 2019

Leslie Denis Barnes RAF – 103 Sqn / 607 Sqn / 257 Sqn / 126 Sqn / 46 Sqn – Pre War / WW2 - Added 1st April 2023

Donald L S Barr RAAF and crew - 103 Sqn - 1943 - Added 16th May 2018

John P D Bartleet RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1944 - Added 9th September 2017

Thomas John “Jack” Bassett DFC RAAF and crew - 103 Sqn  / 576 Sqn - 1943 - Added 21st March 2017

Colin Evan Bayliss RAAF and crew - 103 Sqn - 1942 - Added 10th February 2017

Georges Alexandre Gilles Bechoux RAFVR - 103 Sqn - 1944 - Added 25th March 2017.

John E Bellamy RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1943 - Added 7th August 2019

Kenneth H Berry DFM RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1942/43 and 1944 - Added 6th May 2018

Kenneth G Bickers DFC RAFVR and crews - 103 Sqn - 1943 and 1944 - Added 9th May 2018

Jimmy W Birchall RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1944 - Added 21st August 2019

J G Blandford RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1942 - Added 1st October 2019

Leslie M Blome-Jones DFC RAFO - 103 Sqn - 1941/42 - Added 1st February 2021

Charles R Blumenauer DFC RCAF and crew - 103 Sqn - 1943 - Added 1st August 2021

W Boklaschuk RCAF and crew – 103 Sqn - 1945 - Added 1st July 2024

Ronald Boyd RAAF and Harold Swanston RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1944 - Added 30th November 2011

Joscelyn Forgan Houssemayne du Boulay CBE DFC RAF - 103 Sqn - 1942 - Added 2nd March 2017

David G Bowker RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1942 - Added 1st November 2020

William L Bradley RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1944 - Added 13th August 2019

Dennis C Bradshaw RAFVR and crew 103 Sqn -1943 - 15th July 2019

Gerald C Brams RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1939/40 - Added 21st February 2019

Charles L Bray DFM RCAF and crew - 103 Sqn - 1941/42 - Added 18th May 2019

Kenneth Breckon DFM RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1943 - Added 23rd July 2019

Robert W Brevitt RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1943 - Added 6th August 2019

Eric Broadbent  RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1944 - Added 7th September 2019

John F Brookes DFC and bar AFC RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1941- Added 28th April 2021

Alan McK Brown RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1943 - Added 16th July 2019

Cyril M Brown RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1943 - Added 21st July 2019

George C Brown RCAF and crew - 103 Sqn - 1944 - Added 9th September 2019

Fred Browning DFC RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1944 - Added 5th February 2012

Norman Brumby RAFVR - 103 Sqn / 607 Sqn - 1940 - Added 1st February 2023

John S Bucknole RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1941 - Added 27th February 2017.

Reginald J Bunten RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn/ 166 Sqn - 1943 - Added 1st December 2021

Edgar H Burgess RAF and crew - 103 Sqn - 1943 - Added 4th July 2019

Sid Burton DFC DFM RAFVR and crew – 103 Sqn - 1943 - Added 16th March 2017

Ken Butler RAF and crew - 103 Sqn - 1945 and Operation Manna - Added 26th December 2011

Alfred W Buxton RAAF and crew - 103 Sqn - 1943 - Added 27th July 2019


Norman Cameron RAFVR - 103 Sqn - 1941 - Added 1st December 2022

Hugh Campbell RAAF and crew - 103 Sqn - 1943 - Added 8th August 2019

E D Candler RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1945 - Added 24th October 2019

Robert B Cant RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1943 - Added 8th December 2017

Bill Carlin RAFVR and Florent Van Rolleghem DSO DFC RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1943 - Added 24th March 2017

George R Carpenter RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1943 - Added 25th March 2017

Robert Alfred Copsey Carter CB DSO DFC A.F.R.Ae.S RAF  - 103 Sqn - 1942/43 - Added 12th March 2017

James H Catlin DFC RAFVR and crew – 103 Sqn / 166 Sqn - 1943/44 - Added 1st January 2023

P G Cavanagh RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1945 - Added 1st April 2024

William J D Charles RCAF and crew - 103 Sqn - 1944 - Added 19th March 2019

Don Charlwood RAAF and Geoff Maddern DFM RAAF and crew – 103 Sqn - 1942/43 - Added 18th March 2017

Gerald W Chase DFC RCAF and crew - 103 Sqn - 1944 - Added 1st January 2022

Ray O Chatham RAAF and crew - 103 Sqn - 1945 - Added 1st August 2024

Paul F Chesterton DFC RAFVR and crew – 103 Sqn / 166 Sqn - 1943 - Added 1st August 2023

Robert Stanley Chisholm RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1940/41 - Added 5th April 2019

Sidney A Claridge RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1942 - Added 19th June 2019

Peter P Constable DSC RN - 103 Sqn / 759 Sqn - 1940/44 - Added 1st December 2022

Arthur S Cook DFC DFM RAAF and crew - 103 Sqn / 156 Sqn -1942 - Added 1st August 2021

Francis S C Cook RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1943 - Added 7th July 2019

Jackson Cooke CGM RCAF and crew - 103 Sqn - 1944 - Added 3rd July 2017

John Coverdale MID RAF - 103 Sqn 1938/39 - Added 1st July 2021

Maurice I Cox AFC RAF and crew - 103 Sqn - 1944 - Added 25th August 2019

Stephen Cox RAFVR - 103 Sqn - 1941 - Added 1st October 2022

Richard Stanway Crawford RAFVR - 103 Sqn / 75 Sqn - WW2 - Added 1st June 2023

William Ralph Crich DFM RAF and crew - 103 Sqn - 1940/41/42 - Added 9th March 2019

Ron Critchley RAF - 103 Sqn - 1939/41 - Added 29th November 2011

Ken Cross DFC RAFO and George McGill RCAF and the Great Escape - 103 Sqn - Added 8th December 2011

Robert M Cumming RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1942 - Added 20th June 2019

Leo Patrick Curtin RAAF & Kevin Joseph Curtin RAAF - 103 Sqn – 1944 / 45 - 1st November 2023


John S Dainton RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1941/42 - Added 9th April 2019

Ronald Dash RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1943 - Added 10th July 2019

Ron Dawson DFM RAFVR and Jimmy Green DFC RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1944 - Added 13th May 2017

Ernest L Davies RAAF and crew - 103 Sqn - 1942 - Added 13th May 2018

George A Deering DFC RCAF - 103 Sqn - 1941/42 - Added 24th April 2019

George Denwood DFC RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1943 - Added 1st December 2020

Keith I Dexter RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1943 - Added 16th July 2019

Thomas C Dickens CB CBE RAF - 103 Sqn - 1940 - Added 1st June 2021

Reginald F Dobson RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1944/45 - Added 21st September 2019

John K Douglas DFC RAAF and crew - 103 Sqn - 1942/43 - Added 1st October 2021

Handley Page Halifax BB214 – Sgt Harold Dryhurst RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1942 - Added 26th June 2014

Harold W Dugard RAFVR and crew – 103 Sqn – 1943 - Added 8th February 2018

F G Durrant RCAF and crew - 103 Sqn - 1944 - Added 23rd October 2019

Robert Dey RCAF and Maurice Dyer RCAF and crew - 103 Sqn - 1944 - Added 20th May 2018


Raymond G Eccles RNZAF and crew - 103 Sqn - 1941 - Added 30th March 2019

William E M Eddy DSO DFC RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1944 - Added 15th August 2019

Robert J Edie DFC RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn / 576 Sqn - 1943/44 - Added 21st March 2017

Kenneth F Edwards RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1942 - Added 13th June 2019

Alan Egan RAAF and crew - 103 Sqn - 1943 - Added 30th September 2018

Thomas W B Emmott RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1942 - Added 2nd June 2019

Horace A England DFC RAFO and crew - 103 Sqn - 1943 - Added 1st October 2020

Adrian W Essex RAAF and crew - 103 Sqn - 1945 - Added 13th October 2019

Harold F Ewer RCAF and crew - 103 Sqn - 1943 - Added 21st July 2019

Kirk Ewing DFC RAFVR and Roy C E Scott RNZAF and crew - 103 Sqn - 1940/41 - Added 19th April 2018

Gordon W Exel RCAF and crew - 103 Sqn - 1944/45 - Added 23rd September 2019


Frank Fealy RAFVR and Guy Johnson RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1944 - Added 26th April 2012.

Douglas Finlay DFC RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1943 - Added 27th April 2015

Maurice W Finney DFC RAFVR and  R F Griffin and crew - 103 Sqn / 156 Sqn - 1943/44 - Added 27th November 2018

Thomas Fitzgerald DFC RNZAF - 103 Sqn - 1939/40 - Added 7th June 2012.

Leslie Flowers RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1942 - Added 6th January 2019

Michael P Floyd DFC RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1943/44 - Added 1st November 2020

John E Firman RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1942 - Added 23rd May 2019

Alan P Forbes RCAF and crew - 103 Sqn - 1944 - Added 13th September 2019

Sidney H Fox DFM RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1942 - Added 18th June 2019

James R Frith RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1942 - Added 6th June 2019

Norman Frost DFC RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1943/44 - Added 17th June 2015

Reginald J Fulbrook DFC RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn/ 103 Sqn CU - 1941/42 - Added 4th September 2017


Stanley F Gage DFC RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1943 - Added 1st October 2020

Maurice Garton DFC RAFVR and crew – 103 Sqn – 1944 - Added 1st February 2024

 Joseph N Gilby RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1942 - Added 9th August 2017

Robert Gillespie RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1941/42 - Added 11th May 2019

Oliver Godfrey DFC RAF and crew - 103 Sqn - 1941/42 - Added 28th May 2019

H R Goodman Royal Hellenic Air Force Cross RAF and crew - 103 Sqn - 1944 - Added 1st July 2017

Philip Gore RAFVR and Thomas Leggett RAFVR  and crew - 103 Sqn - 1944-  Added 24th March 2017

Harold R Graham RCAF and crew - 103 Sqn - 1943 - Added 18th July 2019

M J Graham RAFVR - 103 Sqn 576 Sqn - 1943 - Added 15th February 2020

Cyril E.L (Cy) Grant RAFVR and Alton Langille RCAF and crew - 103 Sqn - 1943 - Added 22nd March 2017

Jimmy Green DFC RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1944 - Added 13th May 2017.

Denis Greey RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1941 - Added 10th January 2018

Alexander Greig RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1942/43 - Added 7th July 2019

Frank Griffin DSO DFC - 103 Sqn - 1943/44 - Added 20th April 2019

L J Grigg RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1943 - Added 10th August 2019

Harold Gumbrell RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1944 - 28th April 2019


Peter P Hague DFC RAFVR and crew - 576 Sqn / 103Sqn / 582 Sqn - 1944/45 - Added 1st May 2021

Charles N Hammond RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn / 166 Sqn - 1943 - Added 1st November 2021

Gordon E B Hardman RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1943 - Added 22nd March 2017

Christopher E L Hare DFC AFC RCAF and crew - 103 Sqn - 1941 - Added 1st January 2021

John A Harrison RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1944 - Added 4th September 2019

Clifford S Hart RAAF and crew - 103 Sqn - 1944/45 - Added 19th September 2019

William J Havell RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1945 -  Added 24th September 2019

James R Havers DFC RAF - 103 Sqn - 1937/41 - Added 1st March 2021

Ron Hawkins MC AFC RAF - 103 Sqn - 1940 - Added 7th December 2011

James Hayter DFC and bar RNZAF - 103 Sqn - 1939/40 - Added 7th June 2012.

 John, David and Gaven Henry RAAF - 103 Sqn - 1944/45 - Added 8th December 2011

Leonard J Hinton RAAF and crew - 103 Sqn - 1943 - Added 29th July 2019

Anthony J Hiscock DFC and bar RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn/ 156 Sqn - 1944/45 - Added 1st December 2021

John E Holden RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1944 - Added 26th August 2019

David Holford DSO DFC RAF - 103 Sqn - 1941/42 - Added 1st March 2017.

Lincoln Hole RAAF and crew - 103 Sqn - 1945 - Added 13th October 2019

John Holland DFC RAF - 103 Sqn - 1945 - Added 1st February 2024

Francis T Hopps RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1943 - Added 7th August 2019

Bernard Hughes RNZAF - Harold Dryhurst RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1942 - Added 26th June 2014.


J Anthony Ingram DFC RAF - 103 Sqn - 1937/41 - Added 1st July 2021


G O John RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1941/42 - Added 6th May 2019

Guy Johnson RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1944 - Added 26th April 2012.

Harry W Johnson RCAF and crew - 103 Sqn - 1944 - Added 15th September 2019

John D Johnston RAF and crew - 103 Sqn - 1943 - Added 3rd August 2019

David M Jones RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1941/42 - Added 1st Decemeber 2020

Edgar Jones DFC and bar RCAF and crew - 103 Sqn - 1943/44 - Added 22nd March 2017

Richard Jones RAFVR and Harold W Dugard RAFVR and crew – 103 Squadron – 1943 - Added 8th February 2018

Thomas Ivor Jones RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1944 - Added 24th March 2017.

Dennis “Danny” Josey DFC RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1944 - Added 26th April 2012.


Ralph G Keefer RCAF and crew - 103 Sqn - 1941 - Added 3rd May 2019

S/L Carl R Kelaher RAAF – 103 Sqn / 460 Sqn – Pre War and WW2 - Added 1st May 2023

Dermot D A Kelly RAF and crew - 103 Sqn - 1939/41 - Added 17th July 2018

John Herbert “ Jake “ Kennard DFC RAF and crew - 103 Sqn - 1942/43 - Added 25th April 2018

Leslie Kilvington DFC RAAF and crew - 103 Sqn / 156 Sqn - 1943/44 - Added 1st February 2024

Douglas S Kinder DFC RAF - 103 Sqn / 73 Sqn / 166 Sqn - WW2 - Added 1st February 2023

Guy D C King DFC RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1943 - Added 13th July 2019

Raymond K Kitney DFM RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1942/43 - Added 13th April 2019

Sydney K Knott RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn / 166 Sqn - 1943 - Added 1 July 2023

Stanley J Kozlowski RCAF and crew - 103 Sqn - 1941 - Added 9th February 2020

Nebosja Kujundzic RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1943 - Added 7th July 2019


Edward Victor Laing RAAF and crew - 103 Sqn - 1942/43 - Added 12 March 2017

Maurice Lambert RNZAF and crew - 103 Sqn - 1944 - Added 31st August 2019

Gordon Victor Lane DFC AFC RAFO and crew - 103 Sqn - 1941 - Added 3rd March 2017

Alton Langille RCAF and crew - 103 Sqn - 1943 - Added 22nd March 2017

Bill Langstaff RCAF and Tom Prickett DSO DFC RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1943 - Added 20th April 2017

Joseph Albert Laviolette DFC RCAF and crew - 103 Sqn - 1944/45 - Added 17th January 2013

Frank Law RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1943/44 - Added 13th August 2019

Trevor J R Lawman RAF – 103 Sqn / 547 Sqn – Pre war / WW2 - Added 1st April 2023

Elvey Vincent Lawson RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1941 - Added 7th February 2018

Herbert Gibson Lee DFC AFC RAF - 103 Sqn - 1940 - Added 1st June 2021

John Charles Lee RAFVR and P/O Joseph N Gilby and crew - 103 Sqn - 1942 - Added 9th August 2017

Kenneth R Lee DFC and crew - 103 Sqn - 1943 - Added 23rd August 2016.

Edward C Lee-Brown RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1943 - Added 11th July 2019

Thomas Leggett RAFVR  and crew - 103 Sqn - 1944-  Added 24th March 2017

Roy J A Leslie DSO AFC RAF - 103 Sqn - 1941 - Added 1st July  2021

Archie T Little RAAF and crew - 103 Sqn - 1941/42 - Added 5th June 2019

Charles E Littler RAF and crew - 103 Sqn - 1940/41 - Added 24th March 2019

David H Loop DFC RAF and crew - 103 Sqn - 1943 - Added 28th July 2019

Mervyn Lund RNZAF and crew - 103 Sqn - 1941 - Added 10th January 2018


Geoff Maddern DFM RAAF and crew – 103 Sqn - 1942/43 - Added 18th March 2017

H R Marsden RAFVR and crew - 103/ 576 Sqn - 1944 - Added 1st November 2020

John T A Marsden DFC RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1944 - Added 1st June 2024

Milton A Mathieson RAAF and crew - 103 Sqn - 1944/45 - Added 18th September 2019

Roy Max DSO DFC RNZAF - 103 Sqn - 1939/41 - Added 22nd Feb 2017

William J McArthur RCAF and crew - 103 Sqn - 1944/45 - Added 23rd Dec 2017

Joseph A McCudden RAF-  103 Sqn - 1940 41 - Added 1 March 2023

Donald I McDonald RAAF and crew – 103 Sqn - 103 Sqn - 1944 - Added 16th September 201

Douglas J McDonald RN – 103 Sqn / 1851 Sqn - 1940 /44 - Added 1st January 2023

Leonard J McInerney RAAF and crew - 103 Sqn - 1944 - Added 17th August 2019

William W McLellan RAFVR and  Gordon Hardman’s crew - 103 Sqn - 1943 - Added 22nd March 2017

Michael McMahon RAAF and crew - 103 Sqn - 1943 - Added 21st November 2018

Kenneth J Mellor DSO DFC RAF and crew - 103 Sqn - 1941 - Added 16th March 2019

William J Millen RAF - 103 Sqn - 1938 - Added 1st December 2021

Alan Mills RAF - 103 Sqn - 1941 - Added October 2023

Kenneth W Mitchell RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1944 - Added 28th August 2019

Stoney Mitchell RAAF - 103 Sqn - 1944/45 - Added 10th August 2014

Jim Mooney RNZAF and crew - 103 Sqn - 1943 - Added 22nd November 2011

Alan A Moore RCAF and crew - 103 Sqn - 1944 - Added 9th October 2019

Robert A Moore RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1943 - Added 20th July 2019

Edward G Moores RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1944 - Added 16th August 2019

Gomer S Morgan DFC RAFVR and crew - 103Sqn / 576 Sqn - 1943/44 - Added 11th February 2020

Barry Morgan-Dean RAF - 103 Sqn - 1938/40 - Added 7th September 2012

Louis E Moriarty RCAF and crew - 103 Sqn - 1942 - Added 23rd June 2019

Walter Morison RAFVR - 103 Sqn - 1942 - Added 2nd March 2017

Reginald H Morris RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1942/43 - Added 3rd July 2019

Godfrey A Morrison RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1944 - Added 29th August 2019

Joe Moss RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1944 - Added 29th November 2011

Charles H Muggeridge DFC RAFVR - 103 Sqn / 37 Sqn - WW2. Added 1st December 2022

Ian Murchie RAFVR and crew - 103 Sqn - 1941 - Added 30th April 2019

Colman O Murphy RAF – 103 Sqn / 24 Sqn – Pre war / WW2 - Added 1 March 2023


Sources and Books page.

Contact - D W Fell at e mail on the link below

103 Squadron RAF


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©? David Fell - Northlincsweb.net. All rights reserved

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Contact - D W Fell at e mail on the link below

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  For latest updates see the

  Notices and News Page.

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 Sources and Books Page

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Other Websites in the 13 Base - RAF Series

Click Links Below

576 Squadron - RAF

RAF Elsham Wolds

Featured Page of the Month

The Memoirs of F/L Jacob t'Hart DFC and bar RAFVR

Latest additions to this site

*1st August 2024 - St John Profile

1st August 2024 - Ansley Profile

1st August 2024 - Chatham Profile

1st August 2024 - Medium Flak

*1st July 2024 - Boklaschuk Profile

1st July 2024 - Ullinger Profile

1st July 2024 - Light Flak

*1st June 2024 - RAF Bombsights

1st June 2024 - Armstrong NH Profile

1st June 2024 - Marsden JTA Profile

1st June 2024 - Flak Scrapbook

*1st May 2024 - Fairey Battle Photo Gallery

1st May 2024 - Barratt Profile

1st May 2024 - Remy and Crew Profile

1st May 2024 - Breen Profile

* 1st April 2024 - 80 Wing

1st April 2024 - Shields Profile

1st April 2024 - Anderson Profile

1st April 2024 - Cavanagh Profile

* 1st March 2024 - Advanced Air Striking Force

1st March 2024 - Riches Profile

* 1st February 2024 - Kilvington Profile

1st February 2024 - Garton Profile

1st February 2024 - Holland Profile

* 1st January 2024 - Pamplin Profile

1st January 2024 - Milan - 24/25 October 1942

* 1st December 2023 - Photos of F/L Jacob t'Hart DFC and bar

1st December 2023 - Bremen – 2/3rd July 1942

1st December 2023 - Skinner Profile

* 1st November 2023 - Memoirs of F/L Jacob t'Hart DFC and bar

1st November 2023 - Mine laying Biarritz / Biscay coast - 21 November 1942

1st November 2023 - Billie - Lancaster - W4364 - 103 Squadron

1st November 2023 - Curtin Twins Profile

*1st October 2023 - Dusseldorf - 1 August 1942

1st October 2023 - RAF Usworth Photo Album - 103 Squadron Era 1937/38

1st October 2023 - Mills Profile

Also of local RAF Bomber Command interest are the

166 Squadron website

and the

550 Squadron and North Killingholme website.