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F/L Godfrey A Morrison DSO RAFVR and crew – 103 Squadron – RAF Elsham Wolds – 1944

Failed to Return – 22/23rd May 1944 – Avro Lancaster III – LL946 – Op Dortmund

Godfrey Morrison had flown at least part of a tour with 550 Squadron at nearby North Killingholme. In December of 1943 he was awarded a DSO following a particularly harrowing trip to Berlin when both his gunners were killed, another crew member baled out and his aircraft badly damaged. He was posted to 103 Squadron at RAF Elsham Wolds  from 550 Squadron on the 24th April 1944 and took over a new crew which were lost on their 8th operation.

26-Apr-44 – Essen – Lancaster – JB655 – F/O GA Morrison

27-Apr-44 – Friedrichshafen – Lancaster – ND624 – F/O GA Morrison

30-Apr-44 – Maintenon – Lancaster – ND624 – F/O GA Morrison

03-May-44 – Mailly-le-Camp – Lancaster – ND624 – F/O GA Morrison

07-May-44 – Rennes-St-Jacques – Lancaster – LL946 – F/O GA Morrison

19-May-44 – Orleans – Lancaster – LL946 – F/O GA Morrison

21-May-44 – Duisburg – Lancaster – LL946 – F/O GA Morrison

22-May-44 – Dortmund – Lancaster – LL946 – F/L GA Morrison – FTR - Night fighter victim. Crashed near Hiddingsel, Germany.


103 Squadron Morrison and crew

Morrison and crew

103 Squadron McKenna

F/L Godfrey Arnold Morrison DSO RAFVR – Pilot – 22 – 103 Sqn - Son of Frederick and Muriel E. Morrison; husband of Pickering, Yorkshire - Reichswald Forest War Cemetery. Germany

+Sgt Hugh Kerr Grant RAFVR – Flight Engineer - 21 – 103 Sqn - Son of Arthur Grant, and of Annie Grant, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. - Reichswald Forest War Cemetery. Germany

F/S Frederick James Goodale RAFVR – Air Bomber - 103 Sqn - Reichswald Forest War Cemetery. Germany

F/S Crossley Jackson RAFVR – Navigator - 103 Sqn - Reichswald Forest War Cemetery. Germany

Sgt Kenneth Denzel Crothers RAFVR – Wireless Operator / Air Gunner - 103 Sqn - Reichswald Forest War Cemetery. Germany

F/S Joseph Niall McKenna RAFVR ( pictured above )– Air Gunner - 26 – 103 Sqn - Son of Joseph Patrick and Mary Gladys Lilian McKenna, of Dublin, Republic of Ireland - Reichswald Forest War Cemetery. Germany

Sgt Arthur Tuffs RAFVR – Air Gunner - 103 Sqn - Reichswald Forest War Cemetery. Germany.

For more details and photos regarding Godfrey Morrison see the 550 Squadron website here

Also Godfrey's splendid DSO citation at the foot of the page.


22-May-44 – Dortmund

103 Squadron detailed 15 aircraft for this attack on the German city of Dortmund. Weather conditions were good throughout the route and over the target. The target was well marked and crews report a successful attack. Bombing was from between 20000 ft and 25000 ft. In the target area defences consisted of some searchlights and predicted flak. Fighters were active. S/L Van Rolleghem was attacked by two single engined night fighters but managed to evade without damage. F/O Morrison and P/O Charles are missing from this operation. All others returned to base.

For this first large attack on Dortmund for a year Bomber Command detailed a total of 361 Lancasters and 14 Mosquitos of Nos 1, 3, 6 and 8 Groups. 18 Lancasters were lost, 4.8 per cent of the force. The attack fell mainly in the south-eastern districts of Dortmund, mostly in residential areas.


Lancaster - LL946

03-May-44 – Mailly-le-Camp – Lancaster – LL946 – F/O E Broadbent - Combat. Gunner replied. Evasive action. Fighter lost. No damage

07-May-44 – Rennes-St-Jacques – Lancaster – LL946 – F/O GA Morrison

19-May-44 – Orleans – Lancaster – LL946 – F/O GA Morrison

21-May-44 – Duisburg – Lancaster – LL946 – F/O GA Morrison

22-May-44 – Dortmund – Lancaster – LL946 – F/L GA Morrison – FTR - Night fighter victim. Crashed near Hiddingsel, Germany.


Godfrey Morrison DSO Citation

Air Ministry, 22nd February, 1944. The KING has been graciously pleased to approve the following awards in recognition of gallantry displayed in flying operations against the enemy: — Distinguished Service Order. Flying Officer Godfrey Arnold MORRISON (150107), Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, No. 550 Squadron. This officer was the pilot of an aircraft detailed to attack Berlin one night in January, 1944. When nearing the target area the aircraft was intercepted by fighters. The bomber came under heavy cannon and machine-gun fire and the mid upper and rear gunners were killed at the outset of the fight. Flying Officer Morrison succeeded in evading the attackers but his aircraft had been repeatedly hit. One engine was out of action, and the intercommunication system, the compasses and the air speed indicator were useless; all the controls also sustained some damage. In spite of this, Flying Officer Morrison executed a successful bombing attack and afterwards flew the badly damaged aircraft to base. This officer displayed skill and courage of a high order and his iron determination to complete his task successfully set a very fine example

Item compiled by David Fell with photos from the McKenna family



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Also of local RAF Bomber Command interest are the

166 Squadron website

and the

550 Squadron and North Killingholme website.