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[Home] [103 Sqn WW2 Casualty Index] [103 Sqn Losses Index 1944 to 1945]

103 Squadron Bomber Command Losses Index

1944 to 1945 inclusive



02-Jan-44 – Berlin – Lancaster – JB747 – W/O ET Townsend RNZAF – FTR - Believed collided with JB114 of 83 Sq S of target. Crashed at Zehrensdorf, Germany


05-Jan-44 – Stettin – Lancaster – ND397 – F/S EC Nicholls – FTR - Crashed near target.


27-Jan-44 – Berlin – Lancaster – JB277 – F/O FA Whitehead – FTR - Crashed in Germany.


15-Feb-44 – Berlin – Lancaster – ND363 – F/L KH Berry – FTR - Night fighter victim. Crashed into sea near Texel, Netherlands.


19-Feb-44 – Leipzig – Lancaster – JB745 – Sgt WL Bradley – FTR - Crashed in Germany.


19-Feb-44 – Leipzig – Lancaster – JB530 – F/S H Gumbrell - Landed at Elsham Wolds and hit by ND334 before they had cleared the runway.


19-Feb-44 – Leipzig – Lancaster – ND334 – W/O JC Warner - Collided at Elsham Wolds with JB530 which had not cleared the runway.


19-Feb-44 – Leipzig – Lancaster – ND408 – P/O F Law – FTR - Night fighter victim. Crash landed S of Paderborn, Germany.


25-Feb-44 – Augsburg – Lancaster – ND417 – F/L WEM Eddy – FTR - Flak victim. Crash landed at Grapfontaine  in Belgium.


18-Mar-44 – Frankfurt – Lancaster – JB744 – F/O EG Moores – Early Return - Crash landed on return. Both inner engines unserviceable outbound. Aborted and crash landed near Hadleigh.


22-Mar-44 – Frankfurt – Lancaster – ND329 – F/S LJ McInerney RAAF – FTR Believed to have exploded in mid air. Crashed in target area.


24-Mar-44 – Berlin – Lancaster – ME665 – S/L KG Bickers – FTR - Crashed at Luckenwalde, Germany.


24-Mar-44 – Berlin – Lancaster – ND572 – F/S FG Brownings - Night fighter victim. Aircraft severely damaged. Landed at Dunsfold. Brakes failed. Hit B 17.


26-Mar-44 – Essen – Lancaster – ND402 – P/O R Whitley – Early return - Crashed on landing. Returned early with engine trouble. Brakes failed and undercarriage collapsed on landing.


30-Mar-44 – Nuremberg – Lancaster – JB736 – F/O JG Johnston – FTR - Flak victim. Crashed at Bilkeim, Germany.


30-Mar-44 – Nuremberg – Lancaster – ME721 – P/O RRJ Tate – FTR - Night fighter victim. Crashed at Morles NE of Fulda, Germany.


09-Apr-44 - Gdynia Bay – Lancaster – ND420 – P/O JAH Nimmo RAAF - FTR - Night fighter victim. Crashed at Brande, Denmark.


10-Apr-44 – Aulnoye – Lancaster – JB732 – P/O JW Armstrong – FTR - Flak victim. Crashed near Meharicourt, France


22-Apr-44 – Dusseldorf – Lancaster – ME741 – F/O JW Birchall – FTR - Flak victim. Abandoned over target.


22-Apr-44 – Dusseldorf – Lancaster – LL913 – P/O TE Astbury - Crashed on return. Flew into the side of a hill near Thorpe Hall near Driffield.


24-Apr-44 - Karlsruhe - Lancaster - ND638 – F/O TG Leggett - Extensively damaged by incendiaries from above, while over the target. Midd upper gunner baled out and POW. Aircraft damaged beyond repair.


24-Apr-44 – Karlsruhe – Lancaster – JB278 – F/S CH Ogden - Ditched on return. Damaged over the target by night fighters. Ditched in the sea off Kent coast. Rescued by lifeboat.


26-Apr-44 – Essen – Lancaster – ND847 – P/O F Shepherd – FTR - Flak victim. Crashed at Strump, Germany.


27-Apr-44 – Friedrichshafen – Lancaster – ME738 – F/L MI Cox – FTR - Night fighter victim. Crashed at Langenschiltach-Schwartzwald, Germany.


03-May-44 – Mailly-le-Camp – Lancaster - ME673 – P/O SL Rowe RAAF – FTR - Night fighter victim. Crashed at Fontenay, France.


03-May-44 – Mailly-le-Camp – Lancaster – ND411 – P/O JE Holden – FTR - Night fighter victim. Crashed at Beauchery-Saint-Martin, France.


03-May-44 – Mailly-le-Camp – Lancaster – ND905 – S/L H Swanston – FTR - Night fighter victim. Crashed at Villers le Chateau, France.


11-May-44 – Hasselt – Lancaster – JB733 – P/O R Whitley – FTR - Night fighter victim or possible collision with another Lancaster. Crashed at Loenhout, Belgium.


11-May-44 – Hasselt – Lancaster – ND700 – W/C HR Goodman – FTR - Night fighter victim. Exploded in mid air and fell near Oostmalle, Belgium.


15-May-44 - Kiel Bay – Lancaster – LL963 – P/O KW Mitchell – FTR - Probable night fighter victim. Crashed into sea near Avernako, Denmark.


21-May-44 – Duisburg – Lancaster – ME722 – P/O TI Jones – FTR - Night fighter victim. Crashed near Zwolle, Netherlands.


22-May-44 – Dortmund – Lancaster – LL946 – F/L GA Morrison – FTR - Night fighter victim. Crashed near Hiddingsel, Germany.


22-May-44 – Dortmund – Lancaster – ND629 – P/O WJD Charles RCAF – FTR - Night fighter victim. Crashed near Ahaus, Germany.


24-May-44 – Aachen – Lancaster – ND624 – F/S DE Tate – FTR - Night fighter victim. Crashed at Sistig, Germany.


27-May-44 – Aachen – Lancaster – ND362 – S/L L Ollier – FTR - Lost without trace.


27-May-44 – Aachen – Lancaster – ND925 – F/L TG Leggett – FTR - Flak victim. Crashed near Eggevaartskapelle, Belgium.


06-Jun-44 – Vire – Lancaster – NE173 – F/L WH Way RCAF – FTR - Night fighter victim. Completely destroyed in attempted crash landing at Coulonces NW of Vire, France.


16-Jun-44 – Sterkrade – Lancaster – LM173 – P/O M Lambert RNZAF - FTR - Probable night fighter victim. Lost without trace.


02-Jul-44 - Domleger - Lancaster - LM177 - P/O JA Harrison - Hit by flak homebound - Rear gunner killed and Air Bomber wounded


07-Jul-44 - Caen - Lancaster - LM124 - P/O AA Moore RCAF - Collision - Collided with 460 Sqn Lancaster near target. Aircraft badly damaged. Aircraft landed at Tangmere. Rear Gunner killed


12-Jul-44 – Revigny – Lancaster – ME674 – F/O CR Phillips – FTR - Collision near target with LL796 of 550sq and crashed at Couvonges, France.


12-Jul-44 – Revigny – Lancaster – ND993 – F/O PJ Abbott – FTR - Friendly fire victim. Fired on by Lancaster LL896 of 166 Sq. Returned fire. ND993 crashed at Montiers-sur-Saulx, France.


12-Jul-44 – Revigny – Lancaster – ND990 – F/O FG Durrant RCAF - Abandoned on return. Diverted due to rain and low cloud at base. Ordered to bale out by Carnaby due to lack of fuel.


12-Jul-44 – Revigny – Lancaster – PA999 – P/O JA Harrison – FTR - Night fighter victim. Crashed near Veel, France


14-Jul-44 – Revigny – Lancaster – ME773 – P/O HR Anthony – FTR - Crashed near Magny Fouchard, France.


14-Jul-44 – Revigny – Lancaster – NE136 – P/O CH Ogden – FTR - Night fighter victim. Crashed at Biencourt sur Orge, France.


24-Jul-44 – Stuttgart – Lancaster – LL941 – F/S HJ Shean – FTR - Crashed near Jouy-Le-Potier, France.


25-Jul-44 – Stuttgart – Lancaster – ND903 – F/O MB Dyer RCAF – FTR - Crashed In France. Probable collision with 300 Sqn Lancaster PB252.


28-Jul-44 – Stuttgart – Lancaster – LM538 – F/O A West - FTR - Crashed near Bad Rippoldsau, Germany


28-Jul-44 – Stuttgart – Lancaster – ME799 – F/O R Armstrong – FTR - Night fighter victim. Crashed near Glonville, France.


28-Jul-44 – Stuttgart – Lancaster – NE117 – F/L E Broadbent – FTR - Crashed at Muenschingen, NW of Stuttgart, Germany.


28-Jul-44 – Stuttgart – Lancaster – PB147 – F/O JB Moss – FTR - Night fighter victim. Exploded in mid air and fell near Charmes, France.


28-Jul-44 – Stuttgart – Lancaster – PA985 – P/O LJL Green - Crashed on landing. Very badly damaged by a night fighter. Crashed while trying to land at Little Horwood.


31-Jul-44 - Le Havre – Lancaster – JB746 – F/O JG Avon RCAF – FTR - Flak victim. Crashed in France.


07-Aug-44 – Fontenay-le-Marmion – Lancaster – LM292 – F/O GC Brown RCAF - Crashed on return. Damaged by flak and crashed near Lincoln.


14-Aug-44 – Fontaine-le-Pin – Lancaster – ND613 – F/O JPD Bartleet – FTR - Flak victim. Crashed in France.


18-Aug-44 - La Nieppe – Lancaster – PB363 – P/O JP Austin – FTR - Flak victim. Crashed in France.


18-Aug-44 - Ertvelde Rieme – Lancaster – LM293 – P/O KS Pearce - Crashed on landing at base. Heavy landing.


25-Aug-44 – Russelheim – Lancaster – ND632 – F/O LE Westcott - Crashed on landing at Ford.


29-Aug-44 – Stettin – Lancaster – LM116 – F/L GW Nixon - FTR - Night fighter victim. Crashed at Karup plantation, Denmark.


29-Aug-44 – Stettin – Lancaster – PB365 – F/L AP Forbes RCAF – FTR - Probably crashed near target.


31-Aug-44 – Agenville – Lancaster – LM243 – F/O DA Ryerse RCAF – FTR - Probable flak victim.  Crashed in France.


31-Oct-44 – Cologne – Lancaster – LL964 – F/S JC Cooke RCAF - Crash landed on return. Flak victim. Fuel tanks and rudder damaged over the target. Crash landed in Allied held Belgium.


29-Nov-44 – Dortmund – Lancaster – PB465 – F/S JC Cooke RCAF – FTR - Collided over target with 550 Sqn Lanc.


06-Dec-44 – Leuna – Lancaster – NG276 – F/O HW Johnson RCAF – FTR - Flak victim. Crashed Near Merseburg, Germany.


12-Dec-44 – Essen – Lancaster – ME649 – F/O PM Picot – FTR - Flak victim. Pilot thought to be attempting to crash land in Germany.


24-Dec-44 – Cologne/Nippes - Lancaster – NG420 – F/O DI McDonald RAAF – FTR - Flak victim and crashed at Sindorf, Germany.



04-Jan-45 – Air Test – Lancaster – ND861 – P/O CJ Weight – Crashed into Humber Estuary near Hull.


05-Jan-45 – Hanover – Lancaster – PB528 – F/O JR Barnes – FTR - Crashed South of Springe Bei Alesrode, Germany.


06-Jan-45 - Stettin Bay – Lancaster – PB637 – F/O J Pearton – FTR - Probable night fighter victim. Lost without trace.


07-Jan-45 – Munich – Lancaster – NF999 – F/O MA Mathieson RAAF – FTR - Probable night fighter victim. Crashed in Germany.


07-Jan-45 – Munich – Lancaster – NN766 – F/O WJ McArthur – FTR - Possible collision with ND968 of 460 Sq. Crashed Hohrodberg, Haut-Rhin, France.


13-Feb-45 – Dresden – Lancaster – LM682 – P/O DG Rimmington RAAF – FTR - Possible flak victim. Crashed at Winterkasten, Germany.


23-Feb-45 – Pforzheim – Lancaster – NF909 – F/O CS Hart RAAF – FTR - Night fighter victim. Hit high tension power cable attempting to crash land in Germany.


23-Feb-45 – Pforzheim – Lancaster – RA515 – F/L RF Dobson – FTR - Crashed in Germany.


01-Mar-45 – Mannheim – Lancaster – PD272 – F/O AS Thomson – FTR - Crashed near Wieblingen-Plankstadt, Germany.


05-Mar-45 – Chemnitz – Lancaster – ME392 – F/O GW Exel RCAF – FTR - Lost without trace.


05-Mar-45 – Chemnitz – Lancaster – PB563 – F/L MR Norem – FTR - Crashed E of Konigerade, Germany.


07-Mar-45 – Dessau – Lancaster- JA857 – F/O WJ Havell – FTR - Crashed near Grossneuhausen 3km from airfield at Kolleda, Germany.


07-Mar-45 – Dessau – Lancaster – NF913 – F/O SL Saxe RCAF – FTR - Crashed in Germany.


07-Mar-45 – Dessau – Lancaster – RA500 – F/O WE Nightingale RCAF - Abandoned on return over Allied held Belgium Night fighter victim. Damaged and 2 crew members wounded.


12-Mar-45 – Kattegat – Lancaster – ME449 – S/L SA Slater – FTR - Night fighter victim. Crashed at Lyne 8km S of Tarn, Denmark.


12-Mar-45 – Dortmund – Lancaster – LM131 – P/O BF Wright RCAF - Abandoned on return. 250 lb bomb lodged in wing. A/C headed out to sea and abandoned over UK on orders from base.


16-Mar-45 – Nuremberg – Lancaster – ME848 – F/O EW Armour RCAF – FTR - Flak victim. Crashed near Schwabisch Hall, Germany.


16-Mar-45 – Nuremberg – Lancaster – NG492 – F/L AL Stepharnoff RCAF – FTR - Crashed in Germany.


16-Mar-45 – Nuremberg – Lancaster – NN758 – F/O AC Watt RCAF – FTR - Crashed near Laichingen, Germany.


19-Mar-45 – Hanau – Lancaster – NG491 – F/O AW Essex RAAF - FTR - Lost without trace.


04-Apr-45 - Kullen Sound/Kattegat – Lancaster – LM177 – F/O L Hole RAAF – FTR - Probable night fighter victim. Lost without trace.


11-Apr-45 - Plauen - Lancaster - PA217 - F/O E D Candler RAFVR - Accident on ground at base involving another aircraft on return - Rear gunner killed


04-Oct-1945 - Naples - Lancaster - PA278 - F/L G Taylor RAFVR - Missing - Probable victim of lightning strike north of Corsica. Lost without trace.



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