J W Parkinson and Son (Shipley) Limited

J W Parkinson and Son (Shipley) Limited

Manufacturers of Parkson Milling Machines, Sunderland Gear Planers,

Perfect and Handy Vises and Parkson Gear Testers.

Canal Iron Works, Shipley, Bradford, West Yorkshire, England

Joseph Parkinson ws - small
In 1867 a young Bradford man, Joseph Parkinson, still in his early twenties, opened a shop in the newly built Bradford Exchange to sell sewing machines. This is not an event to make headline news, he is just a local youth seeking a means to a livelihood.

What was probably a more important decision in his life had been made a year or two earlier when he abandoned his plans to train as a school teacher and became Mr Parkinson, sewing machine agent.

“ The mighty oak from a tiny acorn springs” so they say. The acorn which germinated when Joseph Parkinson began servicing and repairing the sewing machines he had sold was to become a sizeable oak tree during the next 100 years.

This site contains a brief record of over 100 years of growth and progress from the little sewing machine shop to the Machine Tool Manufacturing concern of Joseph Parkinson and Son (Shipley) Ltd.

This history is mostly taken from the Company’s 1867/1967 Centenary booklet

Any further contributions from former employees, customers and users are very welcome.

Contact - David W Fell by e mail

Parkinson lathe 1902 ws small




This site is the property of David W Fell. All content is copyright of myself and/or various contributors. No item may be copied or reproduced in any form without the express permission  of David W Fell.

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Latest additions

1st July 2023

Several new photos added

11th October 2020

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24th December 2019

New Vise pics added.

7th September 2019

Pic added of small brass Perfect Vise

 11th March 2019

K R Allen  Journal pics

17th November 2018

Several new photos added to The Factory Page