Updated 6th Dec 2015

Webmaster: David W Fell. United Kingdom.


Officers of the Society.

Chairman:  Vacant,

Secretary: Cynthia Bunch. Treasurer: Robert Fairfax.

Committee Members.

Anne-Marie Hitchcox, Nancy Canova, Hon Hugh Fairfax, Anne Hartley, Dr Gavin Thomas, Gerry Webb.

Journal Editor: Vacant

Co-opted Members.

Australian Rep: Hazel Brombey.

US Representative: Nancy Fairfax Canova.

Research Co-ordinator: Norman Meadows.

Internet Rep: David Fell.

Contact Details.

To Join the Society E-mail the Secretary Cynthia Bunch

Research: - Norman Meadows

USA Representative: Nancy Fairfax Canova.

Internet Rep: David Fell.


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