William J K Gorrie DFC RAF and crew – 103 Squadron – 1941/42

Bill Gorrie on left pictured on a 103 Squadron Group pic at RAF Newton
Bill Gorrie was posted to 103 Squadron at RAF Newton around June or July 1941 the exact date is not recorded. His first operations were all as co-pilot in the crew of P/O Purcivall.
16-Jun-41 - Duisburg - Docks - Wellington - T2965 – P/O JW Purcivall
17-Jun-41 - Duisburg - Docks - Wellington - N2770 – P/O JW Purcivall
20-Jun-41 - Cologne - Telegraph office - Wellington - T2965 – P/O JW Purcivall
26-Jun-41 - Dusseldorf - General attack - Wellington - T2965 – P/O JW Purcivall
30-Jun-41 - Dusseldorf - Railway station - Wellington - T2965 – P/O JW Purcivall
03-Jul-41 - Bremen - Docks - Wellington - R1539 – P/O JW Purcivall
From this point Gorrie was made captain of his own crew which was as follows for the first operation :-
Sgt Gorrie
Sgt Gosman
Sgt Ewonus
Sgt Walters
Sgt Grieve
Sgt Butler
Gorrie then completed his tour as follows :-
24-Jul-41 - Emden - Docks and shipping - Wellington – R1538
- Sgt WJK Gorrie - Unable to locate primary. Bombed Gilze airfield
18-Aug-41 - Duisburg - Railway yards - Wellington - R1445 - Sgt WJK Gorrie
19-Aug-41 - Kiel - Railway yards - Wellington - R1445 - Sgt WJK Gorrie – Did not take off
22-Aug-41 - Mannheim - Post office - Wellington - R1445 - Sgt WJK Gorrie
27-Aug-41 - Mannheim - Post office - Wellington - R1445 - Sgt WJK Gorrie - Elevator trouble. Bombed Ostend docks
29-Aug-41 - Mannheim - General attack - Wellington - R1445 - Sgt WJK Gorrie
31-Aug-41 - Essen - Industrial area - Wellington - X9813 - Sgt WJK Gorrie
12-Oct-41 - Bremen - Point of Aim - Wellington - R1445 - Sgt WJK Gorrie – Early return - Engine Unserviceable
13-Oct-41 - Dusseldorf - Point of Aim - Wellington - R1445 - Sgt WJK Gorrie
22-Oct-41 - Mannheim - Point of Aim - Wellington - R1445 - Sgt WJK Gorrie – Early return - Port engine caught fire
09-Nov-41 - Ostend - Docks and shipping - Wellington - R1445 - Sgt WJK Gorrie
16-Dec-41 - Wilhelmshaven - Point of aim - Wellington - R1445 - Sgt WJK Gorrie
28-Dec-41 - Wilhelmshaven - Point of aim - Wellington - Z1152 - Sgt WJK Gorrie
06-Jan-42 - Brest - German capital ships - Wellington - R1445 - Sgt WJK Gorrie
02-Apr-42 - Poissy - Ford motor vehicle factory - Wellington - DV699 - P/O WGK Gorrie - Intercom failed shortly after take off but was repaired in flight.
05-Apr-42 - Cologne - Point of Aim - Wellington - DV699 - P/O WGK Gorrie
07-Apr-42 - Essen - Point of Aim - Wellington - DV699 - P/O WGK Gorrie
15-Apr-42 - Dortmund - Point of Aim - Wellington - DV699 - P/O WGK Gorrie
18-Apr-42 - Hamburg - Point of Aim - Wellington - DV699 - P/O WGK Gorrie
23-Apr-42 - Rostock - Point of Aim - Wellington - DV699 - P/O WGK Gorrie
24-Apr-42 - Rostock - Point of Aim - Wellington - DV699 - P/O WGK Gorrie
26-Apr-42 - Rostock - Point of Aim - Wellington - Z1152 - P/O WGK Gorrie
28-Apr-42 - Kiel - Point of Aim - Wellington - DV596 - P/O WGK Gorrie
29-Apr-42 - Paris/ Gennevilliers - Gnome Rhone factory - Wellington - DV699 - P/O WGK Gorrie - Hit by light flak at beginning of bombing run and forced to jettison bombs at 200 ft
04-May-42 - Stuttgart - Bosch plug factory - Wellington - DV699 - P/O WGK Gorrie – Did Not take off - Armament failure.
19-May-42 - Mannheim - Point of Aim - Wellington - DV699 - P/O WGK Gorrie
29-May-42 - Paris/ Gennevilliers - Gnome Rhone factory - Wellington - DV699 - P/O WGK Gorrie - Diverted to Abingdon due to bad weather at base
30-May-42 - Cologne - Point of Aim - Wellington - DV699 - P/O WGK Gorrie
01-Jun-42 - Essen - Point of Aim - Wellington - DV699 - P/O WGK Gorrie
At this point Gorrie was screened and left the Squadron. His WW2 career is not known. He was subsequently awarded a DFC however and remained in the RAF postwar until retirement. Interestingly he was OC 38 Squadron in Palestine for 12 months from September 1947
Compiled by David Fell. Photo from my archive